NER’s sponsorship contract with Altium includes all of Altium 365 Professional, including their integrated cloud-based data management system. This page will elaborate on how users can find and access data. Additionally, this discusses the revision state process.
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Generally projects are sorted by vehicle (NER17, NER22, etc). We additionally have a folder for “External” projects. This contains capstone projects, Baja projects, and other personal projects.
Revision States
Everything in Altium has a revision state. This is particularly easy to see in the explorer, under the lifecycle tab.
At NER the lifecycle path that most people will interact with is the component lifecycle. Below is a block diagram of the component lifecycle.
Note that all transitions are public, with the exception of moving to “Reviewed”.
Component States
Planned - Autogenerated when a component is created. This state is rarely seen as it will transition immediately to Draft
Draft - Normal state for when a component is being worked on. This is the state it will sit in as people are editing the symbol, layout, and parameters. Components are also sent to this state if they have to be revised after being in the later stage states.
Pending Review - This state is a waiting state for when editing is complete and a component needs review. Only heads can move a component to the Reviewed state, so Pending Review is an in-between that any member can use to mark a component as done for editing and ready for a review.
Reviewed - Component has been reviewed by an EE head and confirmed to be ready as iterated in the Component Review Checklist. This is a component that ready to be used in designs without needing an additional review.
Production - Component has been successfully used in a fabricated and assembled project. Errors can always happen, so production status is a 100% confirmation that a component has no issues.
Obsolete - Effectively deletion, but done in a way that old designs won’t get fucked up.
Changing States
Find the component (or other object) in the Explorer
Right Click & Navigate to Operations > Change State
Select action, and hit process!
Bonus Notes
Children and parents can be selected within the state change window by right clicking.
This is super useful for updating the state of the nested footprint and symbol when approving a component!