Versions Compared


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Pin designators should be hidden and pin names should exactly match the datasheet (with the exception of characters that Altium doesn’t allow).

Pin arrangement should match the physical footprint arrangementcan be either matching the physical layout or optimized for schematic routing (place pins as needed to avoid messy wires).


Utilize common designators for symbols. The hard-set definition we use is Appendix F of IEEE-315:


Functional sections on all pages should then be designated using medium red dashed lines to define boxes.


Style Guidelines

Signal Routing


Net Labels


Power & GND Labels


Addressed Devices (I2C)


Communication Busses

{harnessesSchematics should default to a 100 mils grid system. The grid may be reduced for placing certain components, but components and wires must be aligned to a 100 mils grid.

Signal Routing

Within functional sections of the schematic, it is recommended to utilize wires to establish connections. For longer runs, or within densely connected regions, it is best to use Net Labels. Generally, wire routing just needs to be kept readable, however the designer thinks that is best achieved.

All connections of significance should be net labeled, even if connected via wire.

Wires must be stepped away from connections by at least 1 grid spacing (100 mils)

{image of good and bad}

Four way connections must be avoided.

{image of bad and good}

Net Labels

Net labels should be used anywhere they make sense, both for connections and for just labeling purposes.

Net labels should be in full caps with underscores to separate words and suffixes.

Acronyms may be used if full name would be excessively long. A note should be added to explain acronyms if they are not self explanatory.

Power & GND Ports


All power nets must be implemented using power ports.

The BAR power port must be used for all supply voltage nets. This includes positive and negative rails.

The GND port must be used for all GLV ground/chassis connections.

The SIGNAL ground port may be used in non-GLV ground systems. This primarily arises in isolated systems.

Communication Busses

Bussed signals, such as CAN, SPI, I2C, etc should utilize harnesses.


Addressed Devices (I2C)

Devices with addresses set in hardware must have their address stated above the component in blue text.


Component Placement

Components should be placed on a 100 mils grid.



All components must be assigned a unique designator. Use the integrated tools to complete this process automatically, as specified in


If this method is used, a legend should be added to the top sheet using notes blocks.


General Style



Net label recommendations


Intersections of wires


