The seat consists of a single carbon fiber body, the seat shell.
Seat (approximate) dimensions: 9”x18”x12”
2x2 twill 3k carbon fiber fabric
Orange Tooling Gel Coat https://www.fibreglast.com/product/Orange_Tooling_Gel_Coat_just_gel_coats_188
Vacuum pump, tubing, fittings
Vacuum bags and tape
Paint rollers
Mylar film
Vacuum bagging breather/bleeder https://www.fibreglast.com/product/Breather_and_Bleeder_579/Vacuum_Bagging_Films_Peel_Ply_Tapes
Electric sander/sandpaper
N95 respirators
High-Level Procedure
Taking place early December
The seat shell will be laid in one work session. From setup to bagging/cleanup, the process should take ~2 hours. After the seat shell is bagged, it must remain in the ventilated area with the vacuum pump on for 1 hour. After this, the sealed bag can be brought back to the NER bay and left for 2-7 days until fully cured.
Finishing [~3 hr active]
After removal from the mold, the seat shell will need to be finished. This will involve cutting off the ends with a dremel and smoothing the surface and edges by sanding. This should take a few hours and be done in a well-ventilated area with proper PPE, including N95 respirators, gloves, and coveralls.