Personal Purchasing Guidelines
This document explains how to purchase items for the club using your own personal money / credit card / debit card. Make sure to follow the purchasing process flowchart that you can find in the leads guide to be properly reimbursed.
Rules to Follow
Use accounts that the team has already set up. See Vendor Accounts section.
DO NOT pay sales tax. See Sales Tax section.
Select cheapest shipping and ship to campus address. See Shipping section.
Payment is your personal choice. See Payments section.
Billing information should be Northeastern. See Billing section.
Monitor your order via the NER shipping email. See Monitor Your Order section.
Continue following steps in the Purchasing Process Flowchart.
Northeastern University
Accounts Payable 177-820
360 Huntington Ave
Boston MA 02115-5005
Vendor Accounts
All vendor accounts will use
If you do not see that a team account has been made for that vendor, reach out to the Treasurer.
If the account is here, it is tax exempt.
This spreadsheet has moved. Follow this link to see our current vendor accounts.
Sales Tax
DO NOT pay sales tax.
Sales tax WILL NOT be reimbursed.
Sales tax will be added if you try to ship outside of Massachusetts
Exceptions: Approval from Treasurer
You have three options for shipping:
Your apartment / address on campus
Someone else’s apartment / address on campus
The club Mailbox (note: It will take 1-2 business days to get through the Northeastern mail system)
Northeastern University
Attn: Northeastern Electric Racing 434CSC
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
You can pick up the package from the front desk of 434 Curry Student Center
This is “Personal Purchasing Guidelines,” you will be using your own money to pay for the item and then the club will reimburse you. You have three options (in order of preference):
Use personal credit card (preferred)
Use personal debit card
Reach out to Treasurer
The requirements can vary depending on the vendor.
Bill to Northeastern (default) Note: If the purchase doesn’t go through, proceed to (2) below, “bill to match payment info.”
Use Northeastern address
Northeastern University
Accounts Payable 177-820
360 Huntington Ave
Boston MA 02115-5005
Use personal phone number
Use club orders email
Bill to match payment info
Use this only if the vendor rejects having payment and billing information different. If you need help, contact the Treasurer.
Monitor Your Order
Order confirmation emails should be sent to the NER shipping email address. The account login information is provided below. Perform the below actions:
Save your order confirmation / receipt as a PDF.
Record the tracking information.
Leave emails unread unless they are yours or spam
Password: Racecar228
Reimbursement Guidelines:
Follow the Reimbursement Form Guidelines
Make sure you have direct deposit set up for the school to reimburse you! Instructions to set up direct deposit:
Under the Student Financial Services section, select “Direct Deposit Form”
Follow the instructions to link a bank account
Purchasing Process Flowchart
Links to flowchart documents: