That's all! You are not expected to necessarily know anything about freeRTOS, interrupts, or any of these skills; Just because I haven’t in detail explained these things in this doc does not mean you are expected to understand it. I literally am keeping these instructions somewhat vague intentionally to ensure I don't sway you towards doing this a certain way, because there are multiple ways to do it. Ask questions, do some individual investigation, or use whatever tools you want to help. freeRTOS and interrupts are used extensively in our vehicle apps, so getting some experience with them here will help out.
3. Testing
Note |
Depending on how many people participate, I may not be able to give everyone their own devboard. This means to test your code, you will have to stop by the bay during bay time or really whenever is convenient to test. |
You’ll need a micro-USB cable to connect your laptop to the device. If you don’t have one around, stop by the Richards Makerspace and test it with one of ours down there.