Make sure the part looks correct.
Right click on Quality > All > 5. To set your part to the highest quality cut. Your part will turn blue (not picutred)
Click the AutoPath command to generate a toolpath. Your cuts will turn pink, lead Lead in/out outs will be orange , and traverses (nozzle moves but isn’t cutting) will be green.
You can move or swap the direction of lead ins/outs by right clicking on the Lead i/o tool.
Ctrl s to save and leave the name and location as default (this saves the toolpath setup in case you need to go back and change something later. it does not change your dxf)
Click on the Post button on the right and then select which of the two end points of the toolpath that you want to be the start.
Make sure that the red highlighting (cut) is on the correct side of the pink lines (your .dxf lines)part lines
The starting point that you selected will also be the zero/origin point that you set in the waterjet. I normally will delete the two long green lines (start and end points) in the above screenshot to make them a bit shorter and set the starting point to a convenient location to reference on the stock in the waterjet.
Click save. This will create a .omx file save in the same folder where your .dxf is saved. Put this .omx file on a USB drive and bring to the waterjet.