- Statistics page
- new route (/statistics)
- stats icon in navbar
- gridview of graphs
- date picker (mui)
- view dropdown (mui select)
- line graph component
- bar chart component
- pie chart component
- view page
- falls under URL (/statistics/view-id)
- grid of graph components
- get view hook
- get all graph hook
- create new graph page
- new graph form
- live preview
- create new graph hook
- graph details page
- graph component
- metrics/data table
- export graph button
- falls under URL (/statistics/parent-view-id/graph-id)
- create new view modal (NER Modal)
- create new view form
- create new view hook
- create new graph endpoint
- get graph endpoint
- get all graphs endpoint
- edit graph endpoint
- delete graph endpoint
- create new view endpoint
- get view endpoint
- get all views endpoint
- edit view endpoint
- delete view endpoint
organizationId: String
Graphs: Graph[]
startDate ?? : DateTime
endDate ?? : DateTime
Title: String
linkId: String
userCreated: User
userCreatedId: String
dateDeleted: DateTime
permissions: Permission[]
User (additions):
createdGraphCollections: GraphCollection[]
deletedGraphCollections: GraphCollection[]
createdGraphs: Graph[]
deletedGraphs: Graph[]
Permissions: should they only apply to just indi graphs or their parent containers too (collections)\
- Should start and end dates be fields for both graphs and collections, where graphs by default inherit but can then also override (overengineering? Maybe remove dates from collections and add the dates to the new graph form)??