Create more detailed page on installing/setting up Altium + accessing NER licenses + vaultRevise electrical standards and migrate to ConfluenceWould probably be best to eventually subdivide into separate pages
Create confluence page on Altium Tips + Tricks
Create confluence page on component speccing
Obviously impossible to cover everything, but I think giving pointers to recommended manufacturers for various component types, and how to use different distributors' search features would be valuable enough to justify making a page
Create confluence page summarizing important resources (trace width calculators, octopart, preferred suppliers/PCB fabricators, Ultralibrarian/SnapEDA etc.)
Plan fall semester Altium teaching sessions
Create confluence page on using NER project template
Alternatively update the PCBs 101 page guide to use template
Figure out how to auto-populate layer pairs
Look into SolidWorks MCAD integration
Add to guidelines clarification that components dont need to be fully built out until after schematic reviews
Add default parameters to project creation tool? I think should be possible with pro…
Create confluence page explaining how to navigate/properly utilize the NER vault
Create confluence page w/ a thorough component creation guide
Overhaul footprint standards/documentationNeed to add a guide for searching digikey
MOSFET channel should be a disctionary
Category for Coaxial (RF) Connectors?
Symbol pins should be required to terminate to 100 mils grid
Create confluence page on schematics best practices/Style guide
Parameters in schematic template should be cleared out to only what we use
Update .RUL file
Check why did MPU not OutJob successfully for Walter
Update project template to a normal 1.6mm stack. Probably JLCPCBs
Can we do file locking? Im still unclear if it’s available for cloud vault
Add to project template our most common impedance profiles (50 Ohm single wire, 120 Ohm pair, any others?)
{update project template with basic impedance profiles}
Tear dropping
Add _H and _L diff pair definition by default. Probs also need to update confluence page reffering to that
Add notes template/legend on top sheet in template
Can add layer stack templates in the tempaltes folder 👀
Are designators required?