open a part drawing
right click on Sheet 1 in the feature tree
go to properties
under Sheet Format/Size, browse and select the NER Size B.slddrt file
apply changes
To make your own:
open the drawing with your ideal sheet format
go to file > Save Sheet Format
My drafting standard is saved in the Sheet Format folder of PDM and titled NER_DRAFTING_STANDARD. This file contains all the settings that apply to your drawing such as font size, dimension precision, location of dimensions, all uppercase text for notes, etc. Having people load this file into their drawing will help make our drawings neater and more cohesive as they will have the same font sizes and appearances.
open a part drawing
go to Options (the gear icon at the top ribbon)
Document Properties
under Overall Drafting Standard, select Load from External File and select the NER_DRAFTING_STANDARD.sldstd file
click OK
To make your own:
open a part drawing
go to Options
set all your wanted settings in Document Properties
then go to Drafting Standards tab
Save to External File