Installing HSMWorks

Installing HSMWorks

Go to the link below and log in with your Autodesk account information. You should have this from Cornerstone.

The page should look something like this:

Navigate down until you find “HSMWorks Ultimate.” Select the appropriate version and install.

Versions have historically been a bit iffy between SolidWorks and HSM compatibility. HSM’s versions are a year ahead of SolidWorks, i.e. HSM 2024 goes with 2023 SolidWorks. As long as you have the most recent versions of both products, you should be fine.

Follow the on screen install instructions, including restarting your computer. When your computer comes back on, be sure to open up HSMWorks and log in with your same Autodesk ID.

You should now have a tab called just “CAM” when you open SolidWorks.




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