SGA finance board
  • Rough draft
  • SGA finance board

    The Student Government Association(SGA) Finance Board regulates the monetary aspect of the club.

    The big ticket items that the club is responsible for submitting are an annual budget request, a mid-year spending report, and a year-end spending report. The finance team is also responsible for submitting grant applications when grant opportunities arise. We report to the Finance Board to ensure compliance with all the policies and rules set in place by the SGA.


    Potential forms that may need to be submitted to Finance Board:

    1. Annual Budget Request: Budgets are allocated at the beginning of the Fiscal Year to groups with predictable, recurring financial needs.

    2. Reallocation Request: Circumstances change the financial needs of organizations. Use this form to move funds between line items.

    3. Mid-year Spending Report: Must submit a Midyear Spending Report, which is due after a date set by the Finance Board, usually January 31st, and must cover all spending from the first half of the Fiscal Year.

    4. Year-End Spending Report: A Year-End Spending Report is due by August 1st for all Annual Budget groups and must cover all spending from the second half of the Fiscal Year.

    5. Complimentary Ticket Request: Groups may request tickets for any event, but the Board will have the final determination over all ticket prices.


    Link to SGA form guidelines: https://www.neufinanceboard.com/guides