Purchasing (for Engineers)

Purchasing (for Engineers)

For general purchasing stuff, please look at the Finance Team pages. This page will serve as a summary on the general process we have for purchasing stuff for engineering projects.



All projects have a Bill of Materials (BOM) spreadsheet in their Google Drive folder (which should also be linked in Confluence). This spreadsheet should itemize every purchase that ever needs to be made relating to a project.

The one exception we have to this currently is PCBs, in which case we utilize the Active BOMs system, and instead add the entire PCB cost to the project BOM in Google Drive

Example BOM with NER template

Most columns are explanatory. WBS is the work breakdown structure for the work package. We’ve somewhat retired this column as we now budget for projects as a whole (X.X.0) as opposed to a specific WP (X.X.X).

Pooled Purchases

We make a lot of purchases. To save money on shipping costs, consolidate packages, and reduce finance forms, it is helpful to pool orders!

We currently have two spreadsheets to pool the following:

Adding Stuff to be Purchased

  1. Add your item to the project BOM

  2. When ready to order, add your item to the appropriate order sheet

    1. Make sure to paste without formatting (Ctrl + Shift + V)

    2. Include the correct WBS for the project (http://finishlinebyner.com)

  3. Order!

    1. If you are in no rush, just let it sit until someone places an order

    2. If you need it soon, place the order yourself! (see section below)

Making the Purchase

If you need something ASAP, or the spreadsheet has accumulated sufficient stuff, it’s time to buy!

Purchasing from McMaster

  1. Copy from the sheet

    1. The first 3 columns are formatted for easy copying!

  2. Paste into McMaster

    1. Use the paste mode!

  3. Submit your reimbursement

    1. Make sure to distribute to all the projects! (the one internal to the club)

Copy from the spreadsheet


Purchasing from Digikey

If there is only a few items:

  1. Copy from spreadsheet

  2. Paste into Digikey order

Digikey does not support whitespaces, so it’s good to put it through a site like this: https://www.atqed.com/string-tab-comma

If there is a lot of items:

  1. Export the spreadsheet to a .csv download

  2. Delete already purchased item rows

  3. Upload CSV to Digikey for processing

  4. Set the MPN, Quantity, and RefNames

Make sure to distribute the reimbursement form to all projects!


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