Quick, but comprehensive, summary of everything that needs to be checked for a component to be approved for use in a design!
Component should be in the “🟧 Pending Review” state
We don’t want to waste time thoroughly reviewing components people don’t actually need or aren’t fully ready yet. Also we want to get everyone in the habit of updating states on their own.
Reminder for how states work { Matthew McCauley LINK PLZ}
Component Header Section
Name is set to the MPN
Description exists/is accurate
Advanced Settings
Type is correct
Folder is correct
Template is used/correct
Required parameters are completed
All parameters agree with the datasheet
Part Choices
SPN has been selected
If part is showing not in stock, verify the part is truly out of stock
It happens sometimes that there are multiple SPNs registered in Octopart for the same MPN
Schematic Symbol
If a generic/common symbol is available, it is used
Resistor, fuse, capacitor, etc
Symbol matches datasheet
Pin numbers
Pin names
All pins are passive
Designator is set in properties with wildcard
K?, R?, L?, C?, etc
If an existing/shared footprint exists, it is used
Footprint matches datasheet
Verify pin mapping
Verify dimensions
Verify units
Verify hole size
Layers are setup correctly { Matthew McCauley add link to standards }