PDM is the software provided directly by Dassault Systèmes (makers of Solidworks) for file sharing & data management. We utilize this program for storage of all mechanical CAD files.
Installing PDM
{I need someone with a fresh computer to collect screenshots for this}
Requesting an Account
Join #pdm in the NER Slack
Direct message Matthew McCauley in Slack asking to be added
Please make sure your name in Slack is how you’d like it as your PDM account name will be copied from the name and email you have in Slack
Please also provide your desired role
Engineer ← You’re most likely this one
Viewer ← If you’re on the business team or a guest to our server, you’re probably this one
Matt will message you back when you’re added!
PDM First-Time Login
We advise you first change your password, and then proceed with installing the NER vault. This will walk you through that combined process.
Password Reset
Open the “Administration” tool
Hit the Windows key and search for it
Alternatively, assuming a default installation, it should be installed in “C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS PDM\” and is called “ConisioAdmin.exe”
In the top left, click “File” > “Add Server…”
In the pop-up window, enter our server address, nerpdm.coe.neu.edu, and click “OK”
In the next pop-up window, enter our resource credentials, and click “Log In”
User name: PDMUser
Password: Racecar228
Domain (should be default): nerpdm (local account)
Back in the main window, you should now see the nerpdm server and be able to expand to see our vaults. Double click on the “NER” vault
In the “NER” log in pop-up enter the credentials you were provided (shoutout to Emma for being the example), and click “Log In”
Your sidebar should now populate with options. Expand the “Users” menu, and you should see your own profile. Right click your name and click “Change Password…”
In the pop-up window you can now enter your old/temporary password and your new password
Click “OK” and you should be all set with a new password! Close out of the “Administration” tool as well
Installing a File Vault
Open the “View Setup” tool
Hit the Windows key and search for it
Alternatively, assuming a default installation, it should be installed in “C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS PDM\” and is called “ViewSetup.exe”
If prompted for administrator access, click yes (it should always ask)
Click “Next >”
Click “Add…” and in the pop-up window enter our server name, nerpdm.coe.neu.edu, then hit “OK”
In the next pop-up window, enter our resource credentials, and click “Log In”
User name: PDMUser
Password: Racecar228
Domain (should be default): nerpdm (local account)
The nerpdm server should now be added to the table, and you can click “Next >”
Check the box next to the vault(s) you are looking for (probably just “NER”) and click “Next >”
Select where to install and for who. This is entirely up to your preferences. Most users can just skip this and click “Next >”
Note: Files will be cached at this location, so if your goal is to install the vault onto an external drive, this is where you would do that.
Click “Finish” to start installing
In the pop-up, enter your vault credentials, then click “Log In”. The installation should now actually start
If install is successful you will see “Completed!” and can now click “Close”!
To confirm installation, navigate in File Explorer to the vault and double click it to enter
It should be located where you specified and may also be pinned to “Quick Access”
Upon entrance to the vault you should see PDM controls and icons within File Explorer
Basics of PDM
File Check-out & Check-in