Bill of Materials Design Review 9/4/2023

Bill of Materials Design Review 9/4/2023

BOMS Question Doc - Google Docs

BOMS Question Doc




Peyton McKee

Is manufacturer PIN the same as part number

Should be Manufacturer Part Number / PN

Peyton McKee

What does add Assembly button go to 

Assembly is just a name it would be a popup like adding a vendor

Peyton McKee

What is the point of the move up and move down functionality

Maybe change to switch assembly button


Could we be able to click on subtotal and sort by price 


Peyton McKee

What are the most important / identifiable aspects of each BOM

Manufacturer Part Number, Name

Reid Chandler

Is there any information that is not necessary to display in the table and would be better to be displayed in a pop up

Links potentially and notes could be moved to a popup and not included in the table

Peyton McKee

Is there any way to use BOMs to track component use like adding an in use status or something 

Delete Put Away and instead just use received

Peyton McKee

What does editing a BOM look like

In line preferable, notes and link would be editable from the popup like tasks

Reid Chandler

Do we have a set # of manufacturers

Can make it a model that is very easy to add to (make it an autocomplete that makes a new manufacturer if it doesn’t exist)




Sofia Varner (missed design review; looking at doc 9/10)

What is the title “property” from? It might make more sense to title this “type”; property sounds more like you’re labeling who it belongs to

It was just the way the excel was made but I agree, it was always a weird name. Will change it

Sofia Varner

Is it possible for WBS to only let you put in a project number and not work packages? It gets kind of tricky in mechanical trying to link parts to a specific work package and if some stuff is linked to proj and some to WP it might be confusing and hard to sort stuff

Walter question


I agree that it makes more sense to tie BOMs to a project rather than a WP

Sofia Varner

What is the default way that parts are ordered?

unordered at top, organize by status

Sofia Varner

Can the colors for status be changed? I think it makes more sense for unordered to be red, ordered to be orange, shipped to be yellow


Sofia Varner

What’s the difference between suggest budget increase and putting in a CR to increase budget?

A suggest budget increase gives a user a direct way into changing the budget and reducing clicks. This would also help pre filling in a CR information as thats what the page opens to

Sofia Varner

not all parts have links; I think this field should stay required but should have the option to say “N/A” or something


Sofia Varner

Could there also be a spot in the new entry menu to put in an NER PN (to put in the title of the part in PDM)? this could be an optional field since not all parts have one

I’ll take a look into whether this is viable from a design point of view


Could there be an additional way to add a new assembly outside of the new entry pop up?

(P.S. this looks awesome and I’m so excited to use it)

add to action

Sofia Varner

In response to Reid’s question, I wouldn’t move links because that’s one of the most used features of a BOM and if it’s not super easy to find that could get frustrating. Maybe instead it could just show an icon or something like a globe that you could click on and it would take you to the part’s link so it doesn’t take up so much space in the table?

Heard, I like that idea, we will keep links and maybe do smthn like that

Sofia Varner

I’d keep both received and put away status; received means it is at someone’s apartment or on the receiving shelf, put away means it has been put in a project bin or is in use.

The concern with this one is that people aren’t likely to update this every time in Finishline, so if we include both, the status is more likely to just be wrong. If you think it’s worth keeping both given that, I’m fine with having both


Action Items:

  • Screenshot all the mockups and put them in confluence, with a little description of each one

  • Copy paste link to this question doc in confluence

Other Notes:

  • Electrical Parts: too granular to use a BOM to track (reason for part numbering system in Finishline); attempt to integrate with BOMs on rollout (only used for new components, users can optionally add existing parts). Way to track excess parts purchased in a BOM

  • Altium has a live BOM as you add components to the board. Export BOM from altium (excel spreadsheet), upload to digikey, autogenerates BOM to buy. New Feature: upload BOM to Finishline from digikey?

  • Concerns:

    • Have purchase order pdf (to scrape for the info to create a BOM)

    • Way to update part numbering if inventory is lost

    • Feature to check pre-existing stock when making a new board/BOM to give the user a notification

    • Hard to add in part quantity (bc the exact # of parts is changed after the BOM it exported from Altium)

  • Enhance Gantt chart to auto-generate change requests/wps/projects

    • Make edits in a Gantt chart, then walk the user through the change/ have them generate the CRs

Link this document in a design review confluence page!


Screenshots to the designs:


Here’s an overview of the BOMs. We have the status tab color coded, and an Assembly drop down.

BOM - Assembly drop down opened

Here’s the view with the assembly opened to see more items

BOM Total + Budget buttons


New Entry Form

The button on the bottom left allows the user to add a new entry into the table


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