Finance Dashboard Improvements
Easier Stuff
Remove ‘Advisor_Approved' as we have no reliable way of getting that
see spending by account code
ability to export reimbursements table to an excel/csv
ability to display all receipts on a vendor (make pdf of all receipts for a vendor)
Submit to Sabo Modal should mimic sabo form layout
food should always be on cash info bubble
add "calculator" section at top of finance view of finance page, remove refunds section
Make status a select for finance team.
'Guest View' for Finance Page
Will Take Some More Effort
Likely to be resold ticket check mark on frontend (with warning to put in cash),
Look into auto-fill into SABO form
see spending by cost center
list 'call centers' - expense types (remove refund source, finance team will go in and add) [NEW] - should have a little blurb about each
add announcements section for users