Future Features
Simple/Technical Stuff
Way to Archive Projects
Way to Combine different email from the same user (so we don’t have duplicate users)
Profiles (pictures, more details, etc.)
Make info page configurable by admins
Teams should look more distinct in FinishLine
Maybe Software, Electrical, Business, Mechanical sections?
Embed Confluence in FinishLine
Autofill for McMaster Form
Way to upload/ store CAD files
A way to make a pop up on FinishLine notifying ppl of new features (Release Notes Feature)
Integrate tasks tab with github
Layout Redesign (Copy what Jira is doing, sidebar comes out on hover, always below topbar, sidebar has stuff related to a specific project, topbar is navigating between teams, projects, etc.):
Bigger Stuff
Documentation system in Finishline:
Use Notion package like is used in husker
Could house information about the car, tools, best practices for different processes
A Car Graph view that would link parts of the car to different pages with documentation so people can easily learn what all the parts of the car do, something like:
Customized View of Whole Website for Each Role:
Extending the type of work we’ve done for the home page to the rest of the website
Week to week tasks management/ milestones:
Revamp tasks system, make more easy to use/ extensible to different sizes of tasks (probably just gonna do a Kanban board)
Do we want some other way to visualize milestones/deadlines?
Weekly DMs to a user that would specify a list of what they need to do for the week with any reminders
Manufacturing Schedule to Go on Top of the Existing Calendar
Right now engineering has a schedule of when they’re machining on different machines in a google spreadsheet, ideally we could integrate this into FinishLine so all the calendar info could be in one place and also so that we’d have access to that information in an organized format so we could do stuff like suggest that members go to the machine shop at certain times depending on what team they’re on
Better Rules Visualization:
Way to link the rules pdf to the rules tab on a project
Ideally we’d auto-generate another file from the rules pdf by parsing through it and then the rules on FinishLine could link to a section of that https://www.fsaeonline.com/cdsweb/gen/DocumentResources.aspx
Ability to add notes to rules, and flag a rule for design issues/ importance