Onboarding and Recruitment

Onboarding and Recruitment



Ticket 1


[Onboarding] - Hide Main Pages

Branch: Create a branch off of feature/onboarding for everything related to onboarding.


The onboarding page needs to be different from the main home page. We want to only show certain tabs if the user is in the onboarding phase. To see if a user is in the onboarding phase, we will have a list of checklists the user is a part of. 


We will need a model for a checklist and will need to update the model for a user to include onboarding checklists. If the user has a checklist in their onboardingChecklists, only these three tabs will show up. Otherwise they will be on the normal finish line page


Model CheckList

Detail DescriptionBullet 

subTasks CheckList[]


Model User

onboardingChecklists CheckList[]

Acceptance Criteria

  • The CheckList model has been created and the user model has been updated in the schema

  • The new homepage only shows up if there is a checklist in the onboardingChecklists array for a user


(It should look like this, don’t worry about the Onboard tab, just notice that all the tabs are gone except for those two specified above)

Ticket 2


[Onboarding] - Create Onboard Tab


Branch: Create a branch off of feature/onboarding for everything related to onboarding.


We need a tab for everything related to a user onboarding. This ticket is to create that tab and add a couple of the basic components in it. It should have the welcome text, the finish button which turns red when the progress bar is complete and the progress bar


You should create a component first for the progress bar which takes in a percent and has a bar with the appropriate length. Then use this component for the main progress bar on the Onboard page


Acceptance Criteria

  • There is welcome text at the top of the onboard tab

  • There is a new component for a progress bar which will properly fill up when given a percent value

  • There is a progress bar on the main page

  • There is a finish button that turns red when the progress bar is at 100, otherwise it is gray and disabled






Ticket 3


[Onboarding] - Add onboarding, useful links, and questions blocks


Branch: Create a branch off of feature/onboarding for everything related to onboarding.


We want to add some information for the user who is onboarding. This ticket is to add that on the right side of the onboarding page according to the mocks. The text can be hardcoded for now (this will be changed later). You will have to call the getAllUsefulLinks endpoint for the useful links however


Acceptance Criteria

  • There is a block for Onboarding and Questions with hard coded text 

  • There is a useful links block which called the getAllUsefulLinks endpoint




Ticket 4


[Onboarding] - Create reusable component for Checklist

Branch: Create a branch off of feature/onboarding for everything related to onboarding.


We need a component which we can use for all the different subteams to display a checklist. It should take in a CheckList type and create a component as shown in the mocks. A checklist should have a dropdown which displays all of its tasks. 


You will need to create a component for a CheckListTask which is also a dropdown that shows all Subtasks. The CheckListTask should have a description and all of the subtasks as shown in the mocks. Some CheckListTasks have no subtasks, if so, look at the mocks to see how that is dealt with. 


You should also create a component for a Subtask to make it easier to display them all. (Check Boxes don’t have to be functional)


Acceptance Criteria

  • There is a component for a Subtask

  • There is a component for a CheckListTask

  • There is a component for a CheckList

  • There is a mock CheckList which is called in the frontend to be displayed
















Ticket 5


[Onboarding] - Make Check Boxes functional

Branch: Create a branch off of feature/onboarding for everything related to onboarding.


We want to be able to click a checkbox on a subtask. When all checkboxes are checked off on a subtask, the CheckListTask is automatically checked off. Note: A CheckListTask CANNOT be checked off to automatically check off all the subtasks. A CheckListTask can only be checked off if it has just a description and no SubTasks. 


We also want to indicate if a CheckListTask has been completed by marking it as darker gray and moving it to the bottom of the list


Acceptance Criteria

  • If a user has completed all subtasks within a CheckListTask, then the overarching CheckListTask will be automatically checked off.

  • You can check off a CheckListTask that has no subtasks

  • When a CheckListTask is complete, it turns gray

  • When the user closes the drop-down, the completed task will fall to the bottom of the checklist


Ticket 6


[Onboarding] - Make Progress bar reactive

Branch: Create a branch off of feature/onboarding for everything related to onboarding.


We have a progress bar to show the user how far they are in the onboarding process. Up until now, we have only been able to hard code values for the progress bar. This ticket is to make both the main progress bar and the specific checklist progress bars reactive to the number of completed checklist items. 


The CheckList progress bar should only update every time a CheckListTask has been completed. The main progress bar should also be updated every time a CheckListTask has been completed but should be calculated based on the total number of CheckListTasks from all the CheckLists 


Acceptance Criteria

  • The CheckList progress bars are updated every time a CheckListTask is completed or uncompleted

  • The main progress bar should be updated at the same time but should be calculated based on total number of CheckListTasks from all CheckLists











Ticket 7


[Onboarding] - Create the ConfirmOnboardingChecklist modal

Branch: Create a branch off of feature/onboarding for everything related to onboarding.


When a user clicks the finished button, a modal should pop up asking the user if they want to confirm they have completed everything. Clicking yes should change their role to be a member and send them to the main home page


Acceptance Criteria

  • There is a modal for ConfirmOnboardingChecklist

  • When the user clicks yes, it changes their role to be a member and sends them to the main homepage




Ticket 8 


[Recruitment] - Create the ApplicationsTable page



When a user clicks the “Applications” tab, a spreadsheet dashboard should pop up listing all applications with the columns: First Name, Last Name, Email, Division, Team, and Status. It should resemble something like ChangeRequestsTable


Acceptance Criteria

  • There is a table listing out all current applications

  • There is an ability to filter based on columns

  • There is a search bar for finding specific rows


Ticket 9


[Recruitment] - Create the Applications page 


When a user clicks the “Applications” tab, a spreadsheet dashboard should pop up listing all applications with the columns: First Name, Last Name, Email, Division, Team, and Status. There should also be two boxes listing total applications and accepted applications.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Uses ApplicationsTable component

  • Lists out total applications and accepted applications

  • Set up the route to the page in the event handler for the applications tab in admin tools
