Carbon Fiber SOP
Anyone within the workspace must be equipped with the following
Safety glasses
N95 mask (or equivalent respirator)
Close toed shoes
People within the work space must avoid having dangling articles such as jewelry or hoodie strings on their person.
Long hair must be tied back.
PPE guidelines must be followed at all times while within the work space and while work is not vacuum sealed.
All carbon fiber work must be done in either a well ventilated area or sealed tent with a push-pull fan system with HIPA filters.
All people in the workspace must be informed on the carbon fiber SOP.
The workspace must be uncluttered and free of tripping hazards.
Any surfaces that would be difficult to clean following work should be coated in a disposable table cloth.
Ensure a vacuum is being held near any post processing tools producing dust.
For our purposes, this will consist of Dremels and sanders.
Ensure all debris are vacuumed. Do not attempt to empty vacuum or clear filter without proper PPE.
Ensure space is left clean and is not entered without a respirator until smell clears.